The Fox, The Duck and a Circular Pond
A Duck that is being chased by a Fox saves itself by sitting at the centre of a circular pond of radius r. The Duck can only fly from land and not able to fly from the water. Furthermore, Fox cannot swim. The speed of the Fox is four times the speed of the Duck. Assuming that the Duck and Fox are perfectly smart, is it possible for the Duck to ever reach the edge of the pond and fly away to its escape from the ground?...
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Puzzle | Snail and Wall
Puzzle: A snail wishes to reach a water shore. To do this it must cross a wall which is 30 feet high. It has a time limit of 30 hours to reach atop the wall. The time starts as soon as it starts climbing the wall. However, he faces a problem while climbing. Every hour it climbs the wall 3 feet up, it slides down 2 feet. This occurs every hour. So how many hours will it take for the snail to reach atop the wall?...
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Minimum cost to make every Kth element in Array equal
Given an array arr[] of integers and an integer K, the task is to find the minimum number of operations required to make every Kth element in the array equal. While performing one operation you can either increase a number by one or decrease the number by one....
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Puzzle – Probability of Seeing a Car in 10 Minutes & 30 Minutes
In thirty minutes on a deserted road, there is a 95% chance of seeing a vehicle. What are the probabilities of seeing a vehicle in ten minutes?...
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Puzzle | Who wins the race on a square field ABCD of 40 acres
ABCD is a square field of 40 acres. The line BE is a straight path, and E is 110 yards from D. In a race Adam runs direct from A to D, but  Brown has to start from B, go from B to E, and thence to D. Each keeps to a uniform speed throughout, and when Brown reaches E, Adams is 30 yards ahead of him. Which wins the race, and by how much?...
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Puzzle | Minimum time required to make N Pancakes
Puzzle: You have to make N (≥ 1) pancakes using a skillet that can hold only two pancakes at a time. Each pancake has to be fried on both sides. Frying one side of a pancake takes one minute, regardless of whether one or two pancakes are fried at the same time. What is the minimum amount of time required to fry the pancakes?...
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Puzzle | Mathematics Operation
Question 1: Balance the equation 101 – 102 = 1 by putting some operators in it....
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Puzzle 84 | Inverted Matrix
You have been given the following matrix:...
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Puzzle 74 | Chocolate love
Priyanka visited a famous monument called “holyghar” located near Himalayas. It was a round structure consisting of 100 steps in spiral stairway to reach top. From top you can have overview of natural beauty surrounding that place. Priyanka thought of reaching the top. She also carried a lot of chocolates with her for kids. In the process of climbing up, with each step a chocolate falls from her bag. When she reaches top, she donates half of the chocolates left with her to small kids. Again, in the process of climbing down a chocolate falls down with each step. She repeats the same process at five holyghars and now she is left with no chocolates. Can you find out the total number of chocolates she had with her initially?...
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Puzzle 64 | Surround the Villages
In a district called Daulatpur, which is one of the best planned city in the world, there is a certain arrangements of villages. The arrangement adheres the following design patterns:...
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Puzzle | Legs
You are standing in one of the biggest palaces in the world “Hofburg Palace, Vienna”. In palace, five commando are staying. Each commando has been allotted five big rooms and each room contains five huge tigers. Each huge tiger has five small tigers. How many legs are there in the Palace ? Solution : 3012 Explanation : We all know a tiger has 4 legs....
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Puzzle – The Hands of a Clock First Overlap
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